Saturday 5 September 2015

Normal Service Resumed

As the Monza Grand Prix is now upon us, I will be once again resuming regular posting after a summer absence. Having uploaded my old report on the controversies surrounding the death of Ayrton Senna, the website has sat dormant but for good reason.

I feel as though Coco the dog's summer has been better than mine. 

First of all there have been holidays and 6 12 hour working days a week in order to fund the student lifestyle which have left little time to spare and even less time for writing. Additionally talks were held in which it looked like I would begin writing for another website thus drawing a close to this site for now. This would have meant exclusive articles for the new site, as such I refrained from posting here temporarily. However a breakdown in communication put pay to any such transfer. In the process I missed writing up a feature on the Belgium Grand Prix and from writing on the sport’s pressing news stories.

Admittedly this is not quite a transfer saga on the same level of David De Gea, but hopefully this marks the resuming of normal service from now on. Thanks for your patience and stick around for weekly racing posts.


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